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Organization of the Department of Rapid Transit Systems (DORTS)

The Department of Rapid Transit Systems (DORTS) of Taipei City government was established on February 23, 1987 for the specific mission of handling the planning, design and construction of mass rapid transit systems for the Taipei metropolitan area.

The department is headed by the commissioner, who is assisted by two deputy commissioners, a chief engineer, and a chief secretary. The organization comprises six planning, design and engineering divisions, five administration offices, one systemwide electrical & mechanical project office, and two district project offices.

Organization of the Department of Rapid Transit Systems

          |-- Deputy Commissioners
          |-- Chief Engineer
          |       |
          |       |-- Comprehensive Planning Division
          |       |-- Civil Engineering and Architectural Design Division
          |       |-- Electrical and Mechanical Design Division
          |       |-- Construction Management Division
          |       |-- Joint Development Division
          |       |-- Information and Technology Development Division
          |-- Chief Secretary
          |       |
          |       |-- Financial and Asset Management Office
          |       |-- Accounting Office
          |       |-- Administrative Services office
          |       |-- Personnel Office
          |       |-- Government Ethics Office
          |--    |
                  |-- First District Project Office
                  |-- Second District Project Office
                  |-- Systemwide Electrical & Mechanical Project Office