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  • Operation Planning Section:
    Asset operational management planning and marketing affairs of markets (stores), vendor gathering sites.

  • Retail Market Section:
    Counseling and facilitation of the operation for traditional retail markets.

  • Wholesale Market Section:
    Execution of wholesale market operational supervision; operational management; review and approval of individual management regulations, vendor business licensing management and agricultural development plan relevant affairs.

  • Vendor and Underground Mall Section:
    Management of sporadic vendor stalls, vendor gathering sites, underground mall.

  • Property Management Section:
    Legal workflow and contract management of markets (stores), vendor stalls, underground mall. Planning, raising and borrowing of market development fund and investment related affairs.

  • Market Construction Section: Manage engineer and relevant affairs regarding buildings and facilities of markets, underground mall, and vendor gathering sites.
  • Planning Office: Manage affairs regarding research and development, consolidated management and reviews, public service and information management.
  • Administration Services: Handle payment and expense workflows, administrative tasks, errands, cashier and miscellaneous tasks that do not belong to other departments or offices.
  • Accounting Office: Manage accounting matters according to law.
  • Government Ethics Office: Manage human resource matters according to law.
  • Personnel Office: Manage government ethics matters according to law.