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Traditional Toys Area

Paper cuttingPaper cutting

Cutting paper into window flower patterns was popular in the provinces around the northeastern, east-western, and northern China back in the old days. Especially in the houses located in northern China, it was rather easy to find the traces of window flower patterns. Carved on papers, the flower patterns were pasted on the windows as decorations, therefore the people in the north used to call it window flower pattern. Nowadays paper cutting is a kind of handicraft that bears the artistic value similar to paper drawing. Its simplicity in style and clarity in design not only give contemporary painters endless inspiration but also exemplar for imitation.

Traditional musical instruments displayTraditional musical instruments display

The ethnic Chinese musical instruments have a very long tradition. Since the ancient times, they have been accompanying the seasonal mood and everyday life of the common people. With the music, they could not only share their ups and downs but also express their innermost feelings, reflecting their thoughts, emotion, and aesthetic perspectives. Famous lines from the Book of Songs, such as "Playing music with drums and bells," "To Prepare the bamboo flute and other winds instrument," and "To entertain our guests with qang (zither) and sheng (a kind of wind instrument)," it reflects the important role music played and the img musical instruments projected in the everyday life of our ancestors.

Walking on stiltsWalking on stilts

Walking on stilts is also called as "walking on long feet," originated in the Epoch of Spring and Autumn, and the Warring Kingdoms, at its most popular time in Song Dynasty.