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(1)Civil Affairs Section:
   This section is responsible for executing the following affairs within the jurisdiction of this District: self-governing administration, education, sanitation, civil defense, elections, culture, religion, and other matters related to civil affairs.
(2)Social Affairs Section:
   This section is responsible for the administration of social welfare, social relief, disaster relief and prevention, rescue operation, community development, employment services, services related to categories IV and VI of the National Health Insurance, and other social affairs.
(3)Economic Affairs Section:
   This section is responsible for overseeing the economic activity related to industry, business, agriculture, forestry, fishery, husbandry, food, irrigation, public construction, and other economic affairs.
(4)Military Service Section:
   This section is responsible for conducting military administration, recruitment, manpower conscription, censuses on military personnel, veterans’affairs, and other military affairs.
(5)Community and Cultural Services Section
   This section is responsible for Population policy , New immigrand guidance and assistance, religion, manners, Culture activities, and other community and cultural services.
(6)Mediation Committee:
   This committee is responsible for mediating civil cases and cases in which only the victims can initiate legal proceedings, as well as providing people with legal counseling.