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Organizational Responsibilities of the Department of Civil Affairs, Taipei City Government

Organization Regulations of the Department of Civil Affairs, Taipei City Government

With orders from the Mayor, the Commissioner of the Department of Civil Affairs, Taipei City Government, manages all affairs of the Department with the assistance of two Deputy Commissioners, and is at the helm of the organizations and staff. The Department branches out to divisions and offices that are in charge of the following affairs:

  1. District Administration Oversight Division: administrative divisions, district administration supervision, district administration development, district and neighborhood organizations, district disaster control, incorporating public opinions, and other district administration matters not directly managed by other divisions
  2. Local Governance Division: local autonomy, well-being for heads of boroughs and neighborhoods, research and study, appraisals, community meetings, local infrastructure, community park management, public assembly halls, recreation centers, neighborhood activity centers, Minsheng Community Center management, and assistance to the public service election and recall
  3. Religion and Customs Division: the City’s religious administration, spiritual service, ancestral estate, deity worship associations, funerals, customs, local arts, ancestral worship rituals and other festivals, presenting outstanding citizen awards, mediations, management of NGO Assembly Halls and Lin An-tai Historical Home, and supervision of the Confucius Temple Governing Board
  4. Civil Registry Division: household registrations, household administration, household records,  street naming, address assignments and plate installations, training of household registration employees, and supervision of household registration affairs
  5. Population Policy Division: population policy planning, public awareness, national case review, new immigrants counseling, and management of the New Immigrants’ Hall
  6. Administrative Service: general affairs, research and development, legal system, administrative plan, document control and efficiency, cashier services, documents, file management and other matters not directly managed by other divisions or offices
  7. System Administration: the planning, development, coordination, advancement, management, maintenance, training and supervision of the civil affairs’ information system
  8. Accounting Office: budget, accounting and statistics carried out in compliance with the law
  9. Personnel Office: personnel management carried out in compliance with the law
  10. Government Ethics Office: civil service ethics carried out in compliance with the law

Taipei Mortuary Service Office, Confucius Temple and Household Registration Offices are established under the department.

Organization Regulations of Taipei Mortuary Service Office

With orders from the Commissioner of the Department of Civil Affairs, the Superintendent of the Taipei Mortuary Service office manages all affairs with the assistance of one Deputy Director. The Superintendent is at the helm of the staff. The office branches out to sections that are in charge of the following affairs:

General Planning Section: the establishment and planning of public cemeteries and memorial halls (pagodas), as well as the establishment application and review of  private (group) cemeteries and memorial halls (pagodas).

Burial and Cemetery Management Section: the management and use of facilities at public cemeteries and memorial halls (pagodas), the establishment of cemetery and urn records, issuance of burial permits, bans on unauthorized grave arrangements at public cemeteries, the removal of non-gravesite graves, as well as the supervision and management of private cemeteries and memorial halls (pagodas).

Funeral Management Section: the planning, establishment, supervision, and management of public funeral parlors, as well as the application, review, supervision, management, issuance of cremation permits and funeral home guidance for private funeral parlors.

General Affairs Section: documents, researches, affairs, cashier services, official seals and property safe keeping, and other matters not directly managed by other sections.

The funeral parlors, established by this office, perform memorial and cremation services, helping families of the deceased with the funeral services and promoting funerary customs that comply with the national etiquette.

Organization Regulations of the Taipei Confucius Temple Governing Board

The Chairman of the Taipei Confucius Temple Governing Board, assumed by the Commissioner of Civil Affairs Department, shall select experts, scholars, socialites, and people from pertinent institutes as board members to be appointed by the Mayor. These positions are without remuneration with a three-year term, and can be reappointed. The board is in charge of the following affairs:

  1. Promoting Confucian doctrine and Confucianism
  2. The collection, compilation, and display of stories and relics of Confucius and the enshrinement of saints and sages, as well as the translation of doctrines
  3. The management of the Activity Center for Confucian-Mencian Paradigm
  4. The organizing of memorial ceremonies
  5. Venerating Confucius at home and abroad, as well as welcoming tourists
  6. The safekeeping and upkeep of the properties and buildings of the Confucius Temple
  7. The research, documents, meetings, general affairs, cashier services, official seals and property safe keeping regarding this governing board

With orders from the Chairman, the Executive Secretary, appointed by this governing board, is at the helm of the staff.

Organization Regulations of the Household Registration Offices in Taipei

Under the jurisdiction of the Department of Civil Affairs, the Household Registration Offices of Taipei City Government handle the household affairs in their districts. With orders from the Commissioner of the Civil Affairs Department, the Chief manages all affairs and is at the helm of the staff. The office branches out to sections that are in charge of the following affairs:

Household Registration Section: household registrations, population census, household corrections, circulating the checking of households, acquisition and loss of nationality, name change, issuance of household certificates, election tabulation, and other matters not directly managed by other sections

Household Records Section: naming of streets, coding and producing address plates, personal seal registration and certification, the safekeeping and authentication of cancelled household certificates issued during the Japanese Occupation Era, the issuance of ID cards, school-age children’s list, household notices and household statistics.

General Affairs Section: the receiving and dispatching of documents, official seals, general affairs, cashier services, researches and file management