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Labor Relations Division

In charge of union counseling services, labor welfare, work regulation reviews, labor retirement reserve fund and labor health insurance premium subsidies.

Labor Standards Division

In charge of labor conditions, labor-capital disputes, labor safety and health, labor inspection, occupational hazard protection and labor rights fund management.

Employment Security Division

1. In charge of employment discrimination prevention, and promotion and settlement of gender equality issues.

2. In charge of general labor employment promotion and vocational training.

3. In charge of the authorization and management of local private employment agencies.

Disabled Employment Division

1. In charge of employment services for the disabled, vocational rehabilitation, vocational training, business start-up subsidies and sheltered workshop management.

2. In charge of the quota for disabled employment.

3. In charge of disabled employment fund management.

Foreign laborer Affairs Division

1. In charge of the management of foreign private employment agencies.

2. In charge of foreign workers’ affairs.

Administrative Service Office

In charge of archiving, treasury, general administration, general affairs, information, research and evaluation and related matters not belonging to specific sections or offices.

Personnel Office

In charge of accounting and statistics-related matters.

Accounting Office

In charge of personnel-related matters.

Government Ethics Office

In charge of ethics-related matters.