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Information and Assistance Division

The Information and Assistance Division applies "a ready helping hand to citizens, to assure their rights and conveniences" as its guiding principle. As the Department's point of contact to the public, the Division provides city residents with a range of general and advisory services . When Taipei residents make inquiries, the Division ensures that the City Government agencies concerned will respond in a timely manner.


Communication is conducted in person or via telephone, letter, fax and e-mail.


Referrals are handled in a clear and decisive manner to ensure an appropriate and effective reply. Results are recorded and reported to confirm whether or not a problem was solved and an acceptable solution was reached.


To contact the Division:


The Information and Assistance Division is located on the North Wing on the 1st floor of Taipei City Hall. All services provided by the Division are free of charge, except for photocopy services.

Residents can make suggestions or submit their comments or suggestions by e-mail, telephone or post. 



Inquiry and advisory contact information:


Tel: 886-2-27208889, 1999 Citizen Hotline Ext: 6157-6162 1000-1002, 1010, 1011, and 1026