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Long-term care 2.0 pilot project opening ceremony was hold in 16, December, 2017 at Wan-Hua

Taipei city successfully join the long-term care 2.0 pilot project in 2016. Executive Yuan Premier Lin, Chuan and Taipei City Mayor Ko, Wen-je hold the opening ceremony together in 16, December at Wan-Hua Community integrated service center (operated by Li Shin Charity Foundation) and Bei-Hu composite service center(operated by National Taiwan University Hospital Bei-Hu Branch). The innovative A-B-C service model starts from Wan-hua District. The model will be adopted to enhance the visibility of long-term care services and to build resources for the elderly with long-term care needs.

Long-term care 2.0

Executive Yuan Premier Lin, Chuan and Taipei City Mayor Ko, Wen-je hold the opening ceremony together in 16, December at Wan-Hua.