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Journal of TFAM | 28

Cover ImagePublisher: TFAM
Category: Journal of TFAM
Published Date: 2014/11/1
ISSN: 1560-4713
Price: NT$280

002 - Chief Editor's Note
Theme: Taipei Biennial
007 - An Emerging Paradigm Derived from the Asian Biennials? The case strudies of the Mediacity Biennial (Seoul), the Busan Biennale (Busan), the Gwangju Biennial (Gwangju), and Taipei Biennial (Taipei), 2014│Marek Bartelik
021 - Considering a Dual-track System for the Taipei Biennial─A Showcase for Exchange│A Mechanism for Consolidating the Social Imagination and Initiating Discourse│Huang Hai-ming
043 - Difficulties and Possibilities of the Taipei Biennial│Nobuo Takamori(Lin Hsin-nan)
071 - The Expanded White Cube and Its Return: A Preliminary Study of Presentation Strategies at the Taipei Biennial│Chang Fang-wei
General Essay
107 - Staging the Archive: Ydessa Hendeles and Hanne Darboven│Ernst van Alphen
135 - The Images of Rhizome: The Art of An Sheng-hui(Eleng Luluan)│Hsu Ching-yeh
157 - Appendix1 Brief Introduction of Journal of Taipei Fine Arts Museum
158 - Appendix2 Call for Contributions