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2016 Taipei Arts Awards

Cover ImagePublisher: TFAM
Category:Exhibition Catalogs
Published Date: 2017/8/15
ISSN: 9789860519778



004 - Foreward

006 - Foreward

Juror's Review

008 - The Necessity of Imagination and Narratives,Observations Made on the 2016 Taipei Arts Awards

016 - Inventing the Reality with a Fictional Phantom, My Observations of the 2016 Taipei Arts Awards Finalist Works

Grand Prize

028 - Jo-hung Tang

Honorable Mention

038 - Chih-hung Liu

046 - Chih-feng Chien

054 - Chen-yu Chen

062 - I-chun Chen

070 - Pei-shih Tu

Selected Award

080 - Chiao-yen Hsu

088 - Hung-lun Chen

096 - Pei-hsuan Wang

104 - Ding-yeg Wang

112 - Peo-Xin Chuand

120 - Ze Wei