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Taipei Fine Arts Museum Modern Art. 190

20181004104647574328Publisher: TFAM
Category: MODERN ART
Published Date: 2018/09/01




TFAM Returns The Next Chapter
006 - The Next Chapter: Interview with Taipei Fine Arts Museum Director Ping Lin

Topic René Magritte's Photos and Films
011 - This is not Magritte – Or His Photograph/Kuang-yi Chen
025 - Warring Text and Image: Magritte Versus His Photos and Films/Kailin Yang
031 - A Great Painter's Cinematic Techniques and Photo Album/Chung-li Kao

Exhibition Focus Through the Magical Mirror
036 - Cross Through the Magical Mirror, and Enter a New World!/Jo Hsiao
045 - Me and What's Outside of Me: Lee Tzu-Hsun's "The Alien Galaxy"/Ching-Wen Chang
054 - Dialogue – Cross-Domain Reading & Writing: A Biblio-ecology in Art/Manray Hsu、Rikey Cheng

Special Program TFAM's Reopening and Future Expansion
065 - Are We Entering an Era of Independent Museum Administration in Taiwan?/Tsai-yun Chan
070 - The Renovation of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, 2017-18/Han-yu Chih

Archival Research The Give and Take of Women Artists
077 - Cheng Chung-Chuan: The Journey of a Female Painter in Japan/Hsueh-lan Pai
087 - Studio Visit and Document Research: Abstract Painter June Huang/Yi-ting lei

Featured Artist Shi Jin-Hua
100 - The Art Museum in Print: Crossing Over 336 Meters/Shi Jin-Hua
106 - An Interview with Shi Jin-Hua/Yi-ting Lei、Tsun-ling Liao

130 - TFAM Online