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Cover ImagePublisher: TFAM
Category:Exhibition Catalogs
Published Date: 2017//8/15



006 - Ping Lin / Director of Taipei Fine Arts Museum

009 - Manray Hsu / Independent Curator


016 - Why Archives Go Viral│Hong-John Lin

036 - Infinity Archives: Manray Hsu,Jhouyu Conversation Self-Archiving│Manray Hsu

049 - Artist Statement│Jhouyu


050 - Measuring Instituting / Archive, performance, readymade / 2016

066 - Karma-Gap / Performance, video, archive / 2016

076 - Starry Heavens / Archive, bottle, sic, bacteria / 2013-2016

092 - The Infinity of Lists / Empty archive, archival inject print, pen / 2015

100 - Gespenst / Archive, 2-channel video installation, fog / 2014

114 - Climbing become kinda produvtion / Ladder, paper, pen / 2015

124 - Capital Project / Archive, readymade / 2016

132 - R: Without you, I"m Nothing. / Electronic components and program, signal / 2016

144 - Sponsor Project / Archive, installation / 2016

159 - Making Money / PP, ink, archival inject print, acrylic, neon / 2016